Monday, March 31, 2008

Chunky Monkey

We went to the doctor today for a weight check and Mr. Benji is 8lbs even! That is about a pound in one week. I am doing about half formula and half breast milk now. I didn't realize how emotional it would be for me to stop breastfeeding, so I started breastfeeding again too. It makes for a busy day pumping, breastfeeding, freezing milk, preparing formula bottles, but its all worth it to me. Eventually I would like to breastfeed and pump only and stop the formula. For now I am just taking it one day at a time.


Audrey said...

Looking good! Just keep doing what you feel is right for the two of you. 8 lbs is great. My 9 month old is only 16 lbs. Keep up the good work, you are a great mommy!

jessica said...

Yeah! He will catch up to Abram in no time.

Unknown said...

Hooray!!! Now you can relax.

Shelly Collins said...

Wow, he really looks chubbier! I'm happy for you, hopefully you will be able to enjoy him a little more now.

Blair Family said...

Amy! That is great! I am glad to hear that it is going well.