Monday, January 29, 2007


Well, I got my first test result back today from psychology; I got an 88%. I must say, not too shabby for my first test in almost 4 years. I took my first test in Medical Terminolgy today and it went quite well. I was the first one finished, which is unusual. John had quizzed me on my flash cards and I guess it all stuck. It was such a great feeling, leaving the room with my head held high, knowing I had done well on the test. I should get my results back Wednesday.
I wish I could say Biology is going as well as my other classes, but its not. Luckily, Ashley Roberts has offered to help me out , she was a Biology Major. Keep sending the prayers this way, the verse, "All things are possible through Jesus Christ, keeps running through my head. I am not for sure if God intended this verse to apply to my Biology class, but he did say,"all".
Spring choir started this last Sunday, is was an awesome reminder that I may not be gifted in Science, but he blessed me vocally. We will have an Easter program, around Easter (obviously). I will let everyone know the exact dates later.
I will be hosting an Arbonne Party for Lita on February 10th, and everyone is invited. If you would like to come just let me know.
I hope everything is going well for everyone!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

School Days

I hate to admit this, but I am having a really hard time at school, especially in Biology. It takes me a good hour to an hour and a half to simply read one chapter, not comprehend, but read. It is like reading a foreign language! To make things worse this guy sitting next to me in class made the comment, "this class is so easy!" I seriously almost started crying in class. The teacher probably thinks I am retarded. My face is always extremely animated, so I can only imagine the faces of ignorance I give the professor when she lectures. Biology is definitely not natural for me. The other classes, Government, developmental Psych., and Medical terminology, are coming along, I am still not comprehending or memorizing as quickly as I use too, but they are coming along.
If anyone has any suggestion on how to get me through Biology, let me know, keep praying that God will do something, I am not for sure what to ask for, I guess pray that I will begin to comprehend it!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

This, that, and more...

My first day back to school was Monday. The week went well. My schedule is now, Biology for Majors, Developmental Psychology, Medical Terminology, and American Government. Government I took the first go around but got a C, due to never going to class. I actually am not sure how I even got a C in that class. To get into the nursing program they go on a point system, similar to the GPA system, better grades, more points, better chance to get into the program. I applied for a summer program to become a Patient Care Technician, PCT. It is a 6 credit course, necessary for the nursing program. I could start working in an office setting or hospital after I pass the class. A PCT is similar to a Medical Assistant, MA. It will be more hands on, so I am very excited. John keeps telling me how proud he is of me, which encourages me to do my absolute best. We are definitely having to make sacrifices now, but I hope we will both reap in our hard work later.

So, it is freaking cold outside and I am iced in once again by myself. John is in Minnesota TDing Snow Cross. He will hopefully be flying in Monday, depending on the airports, he unfortunately has to fly through Chicago on his way home. I was telling him how cold it was here and I guess he had to one up me, it was -8 there this morning. He said he has four layers on, I packed him and wasn't anticipating it be that cold, so four layers is all I packed, guess he will just have to switch the outer layer.

My eating and work out lifestyle change, (I refuse to call it a diet), started a week ago last Wednesday. I've been doing 40 minutes of cardio, stopped drinking pop, no eating out, no mayo (my absolute favorite), and started eating more times throughout the day, and smaller portions, and I am proud to say, have dropped 5 pounds. I am sure the rest I need to lose won't come off so easily, but it was a very exciting start. John's ten year reunion is this year, so I must be in tip top shape.

Sorry my blog is so boring, I think I have the ice blues, waiting patiently for my husband to get home.

This, that, and more...

My first day back to school was Monday. The week went well. My schedule is now, Biology for Majors, Developmental Psychology, Medical Terminology, and American Government. Government I took the first go around but got a C, due to never going to class. I actually am not sure how I even got a C in that class. To get into the nursing program they go on a point system, similar to the GPA system, better grades, more points, better chance to get into the program. I applied for a summer program to become a Patient Care Technician, PCT. It is a 6 credit course, necessary for the nursing program. I could start working in an office setting or hospital after I pass the class. A PCT is similar to a Medical Assistant, MA. It will be more hands on, so I am very excited. John keeps telling me how proud he is of me, which encourages me to do my absolute best. We are definitely having to make sacrifices now, but I hope we will both reap in our hard work later.

So, it is freaking cold outside and I am iced in once again by myself. John is in Minnesota TDing Snow Cross. He will hopefully be flying in Monday, depending on the airports, he unfortunately has to fly through Chicago on his way home. I was telling him how cold it was here and I guess he had to one up me, it was -8 there this morning. He said he has four layers on, I packed him and wasn't anticipating it be that cold, so four layers is all I packed, guess he will just have to switch the outer layer.

My eating and work out lifestyle change, (I refuse to call it a diet), started a week ago last Wednesday. I've been doing 40 minutes of cardio, stopped drinking pop, no eating out, no mayo (my absolute favorite), and started eating more times throughout the day, and smaller portions, and I am proud to say, have dropped 5 pounds. I am sure the rest I need to lose won't come off so easily, but it was a very exciting start. John's ten year reunion is this year, so I must be in tip top shape.

Sorry my blog is so boring, I think I have the ice blues, waiting patiently for my husband to get home.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Yeah, I know I've been slacking...

So, it has been awhile since I blogged, here we go...

All the holidays were great, I especially enjoyed New Years. John and I had never had company over before, and what better time than New Year's Eve. I finally felt like a grown up; having people over to my house!
I start school Monday and I am so excited. My life has direction now in every aspect, spiritually, emotionally, and professionally. John took me to the campus today and helped me find my classrooms, luckily all my classes are pretty much right next to each other. I plan on apply for the nursing program next spring or possibly this fall. I'll have to see how fast I pick up on homework and testing again.
Dayton is great, I can see his arthritis progressing although and it breaks my heart. He is such a good dog. He is becoming much more protective of me now. A plumber came over for a sewage situation, and apparently the guy was standing too close to me for Dayton's comfort and he started growling at him. The man stepped back and Dayton stopped. Bring on the burglars.
I started a diet Wednesday, so far, so good. No major changes, I like food and I like to cook, so I refuse to starve myself or to stop cooking. I have stopped drinking pop, no mayonnaise, no high fat food, etc. I start working out again Monday. I am looking forward to fitting in my clothes again, comfortably, with no muffin top.
Nothing else has really changed, I have a great husband, whom I love very much, great family--love them too, great friends, ditto on the love, direction in my life, and I am singing again. Life couldn't be better. I am blessed.